Monday, April 28, 2008

New website of interest

From a recent Opinio Juris post, we learn of this interesting new website: Global Governance Watch. Here's the blurb:

Global Governance Watch (GGW) is a joint project of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. Its goal is to raise awareness of the growing global governance movement and to address issues of transparency and accountability at the United Nations, in NGOs, and related international organizations. In particular, the project monitors issues of national sovereignty and the ways in which the agendas of international organizations influence domestic politics.

It focuses on the role of international organisations in terms of four broad governance themes: development; global regulation; human security (including human rights concerns); and national security. Clearly, then, a potentially important source of information for those looking to keep up with developments in terms of global administrative law, and one that I will doubtlessly mine shamelessly on here in the not-too-distant future.

However, it may also be worth noting - as did Peter Spiro in the original Opinio Juris post - that the keynote speaker at the launch of the initiative was none other than John Bolton, which might indicate something of the politics that will colour the postings on the site. So, a potentially useful resource; but(as with most if not all internet sources) perhaps keep that pinch of salt nearby. Just in case.

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